
Blutech news

由34位對於淨零永續抱持著高度熱情的夥伴共同發起的「碳索淨能永續發展協會」,在4月13日假員林食觀天下婚宴會館舉行第一次會員大會,包含彰化縣副縣長林田富、彰化縣工商發展投資策進會副總幹事陳穎青、華夏航空產業發展協會理事長翁柏吉等產官學各界代表均親臨指導、給予鼓勵。會中順利推選出各級幹部,首屆創會理事長則由現任彰化縣政府青年諮詢委員會永續經濟組組長、員林國際青年商會副會長賴品丞當選。 「地球永續發展是全世界共同的使命,台灣各界也都積極響應,但卻也可以見到許多亂象。有鑑於此,我們希望協會的成立,能夠帶來正確的資訊與觀點。」賴品丞表示,碳索淨能永續發展協會的創始會員雖來自各行各業,但都是有志一同且富有行動力的夥伴,未來協會將以秉持專業的態度積極推動碳淨零行動,協助企業實現環境永續,為未來世代創造更美好的生活環境。 到場見證歷史時刻的彰化縣長副縣長林田富,代表大家長王惠美獻上祝福,林副縣長除了對碳索淨能協會以彰化為根據地推廣永續行動表示支持外,同時更期待協會的年輕會員們能夠積極接棒、扛下重任,共同為彰化甚至是台灣的永續發展做出實質貢獻。 為了實現目標,碳索淨能永續發展協會特別邀請彰化縣農會總幹事張建豐、二林鎮鎮長蔡詩傑、芳苑鄉鄉長王保玲、彰化縣工商發展投資策進會副總幹事陳穎青、TUV NORD永續長黃國寶、聯合國可持續發展ESG高級策略顧問林英杰、逢甲大學離岸風力發電研究及發展中心顧問呂晃志、財團法人精密機械研究發展中心副理賴蔚齊、ESGTIMES執行長費聿德、華夏航空產業發展協會理事長翁柏吉、博世科智能股份有限公司總監陳文峰及資深開發經理林瑞益、彰化縣企業拓銷聯合協會秘書長楊文慶等產官學各界專家、領導者擔任榮譽顧問,指導會務發展。 獲全票支持扛下首任理事長重責的賴品丞,提出「協助企業認識碳排放的重要性」、「幫助企業實施碳盤查」、「引導企業走向低碳和智慧化之道路」等具體目標,期盼未來在產官學各界的支持下,共同為台灣產業的永續轉型做出貢獻。 引自:碳索淨能永續發展協會官網:

Blutech Invited to Join Cisco’s Kaohsiung AIoT Asia New Bay Area Smart Harbor Project

Blutech has been invited to participate in Cisco’s Kaohsiung AIoT Asia Bay Smart Port Project. The memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed by the Kaohsiung City Government Economic Development Bureau, Kaohsiung Port Authority, and Cisco Taiwan, with the event witnessed by Deputy Minister of Transportation Lin Kuo-hsien, Cisco Global Innovation Chief Guy Diedrich, Taiwan International Ports Corporation Chairman Lee Hsien-yi, and Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chi-mai.

The Sustainability Vanguard Sets Foot in Changhua, Focusing on Guiding Corporate Transformation – Green Discovery Development Sustainability Association Officially Established

The ” Green Discovery Development Sustainability Association,” initiated by 34 partners who are highly passionate about net zero sustainability, held its first membership meeting on April 13th at Yuanlin, Changhua. Representatives from various sectors, including Tianfu Lin, Deputy Magistrate of Changhua County, Yingqing Chen, Deputy Secretary-General of the Changhua County Industrial Development and Investment Promotion Association, and Boji Weng, Chairman of the Huaxia Aviation Industry Development Association, attended the meeting to provide guidance and encouragement. During the meeting, various levels of executives were successfully elected, with Pincheng Lai, the current Sustainable Economic Group Leader of the Changhua County Government Youth Advisory Committee and Vice President of the International Youth Chamber of Commerce of Yuanlin, being elected as the inaugural chairman.

Electricity Price Hike Again: Imminent to Implement Energy Management System

According to several press releases, electricity prices are set to increase again this April! It is reported that the average price of industrial electricity will be rise by 10% after the price adjustment, with heavy electricity users like semiconductor manufacturers possibly facing a 30% increase. To alleviate severe financial distress of Taiwan Power Company (Taipower), the Ministry of Economic Affairs has decided to intervene once more by raising electricity prices, striving to achieve a breakeven point this year to prevent further accumulation of financial losses. Unlike previous electricity price hikes targeted heavy electricity users, this time even electricity users consuming less than 330 kWh will be affected, however, manufacturing industry with heavy electricity consumption will unavoidably facing greater financial pressure.