Electricity Price Hike Again: Imminent to Implement Energy Management System

According to several press releases, electricity prices are set to increase again this April! It is reported that the average price of industrial electricity will be rise by 10% after the price adjustment, with heavy electricity users like semiconductor manufacturers possibly facing a 30% increase. To alleviate severe financial distress of Taiwan Power Company (Taipower), the Ministry of Economic Affairs has decided to intervene once more by raising electricity prices, striving to achieve a breakeven point this year to prevent further accumulation of financial losses. Unlike previous electricity price hikes targeted heavy electricity users, this time even electricity users consuming less than 330 kWh will be affected, however, manufacturing industry with heavy electricity consumption will unavoidably facing greater financial pressure.

Recently, international fuel prices are continually increasing, posing a persistent chance for electricity price hikes, therefore the urgency of energy management for manufacturing sectors to reduce electricity spendings is rising. In terms of achieving the goal of energy management, Blutech WSDMS (Wireless Standard Data Management System) equipped with patented NeVerLoSs® LoRa wireless transmission techniques can be quickly activated, assisting users in promptly collecting electricity usage data and understanding the electricity consumption of processes and equipment of products, enabling users to initiate plans to reduce energy wastes in response to the rapidly increasing electricity costs.

You may be afraid about the deployment costs of Blutech WSDMS system, however, due to the advantage of wireless transmission, there is no need for users to concern about the expensive spendings of system deployment.

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